Outdoor Club at Virginia Tech


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News and Announcements

Fall 2021 Semester Announcement

Tuesday, Aug 17, 2021 by Emily Sellards

The new semester is almost here!

The new semester is almost here! Take advantage of your time to get outside and explore. Whether you’re a new or returning student, or a member of the Blacksburg community, we’re happy to have you as part of our club. Be sure to sign up on our website to receive a notification every time a new trip or meeting is posted. Trips will be starting up again shortly.

Here are some other ways you can hear about what’s going on with the club:

Join our slack page to receive more informal announcements (and be sure to turn notifications on): https://join.slack.com/t/outdoorclubat-utz3688/shared_invite/zt-t7enybhi-C~61UxXxavvcRAYP8KH2Pw

Follow us on Instagram @outdoorclubvt

Also be sure to come check us out at Gobblerfest, Saturday, September 4th from 2-5pm