Welcome to OCVT!
The Outdoor Club at Virginia Tech (OCVT) is a diverse group of outdoor enthusiasts comprised of undergraduate, and graduate students and other members of the Blacksburg community. The goal of the club is to get our members outside and active both physically and socially. OCVT strives to spread knowledge of the local area, to teach safe and responsible outdoor practices, to volunteer time to keep our section of the Appalachian Trail maintained and most importantly to have fun while doing it. If you're interested feel free to read more about us and if you like what you see join us!
News and Announcements
Konnarock crew opportunities spring & summer 2025 available
Konnarock is the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s flagship crew program, founded in 1983 and named after its original base camp in southwest Virginia. The crew works on the Appalachian Trail from Rockfish Gap, near Waynesboro, Virginia, to the Trail’s southern terminus at Springer Mountain in Georgia. The program is a joint venture of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, the 12 southern Trail clubs, the U.S. Forest Service, and the National Park Service. No prior experience needed.
Read More...UNH Citizen and Community Science: Designing Projects for Research and Engagement
The 36-hour noncredit course "Citizen & Community Science: Designing Projects for Research and Engagement" offers participants a deep understanding of the purpose and promise of citizen and community science, also called participatory science. Through this course, participants will gain practical skills in designing projects that target specific audiences, collect meaningful data, and engage and educate project participants and volunteers. Taught by experienced professionals Malin Clyde and Alyson Eberhardt, who have decades of experience working with volunteers in scientific research, the course builds on the University of New Hampshire’s longstanding leadership in the field of citizen science.
Read More...Alleghany Trail celebrates it's 50th
Emerging Leaders Summit
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) is hosting the 2024 Emerging Leaders' Summit August 2 - 4, 2024. We would love to have Virginia Tech students represented. No registration fee and lodging and meals provided.
Read More...Trailwork trips on AT from GA to ME
The Appalachian Trail is known as the 'People's Trail,' because of the legacy of civic engagement that ensures its existence. The Appalachian Trail Conservancy invites you to join us in one of the following ways:
Read More...Series of Boundary Worktrips
We've posted a series of Boundary Monitoring worktrips for the Appalachian Trail. We'd love to have new people participate. These are full days since there will be a fair amount of hiking to get to the site, moving through brush off trail to find boundary "monuments" (low metal posts with survey info) and remark the witness trees (3 trees that help to triangulate the location of the monuments.
Read More...Glade Road Growing Solstice Sunrise Walk
Winter Solstice Sunrise Walk, Thursday, 12/21, 6:30 am http://gladeroadgrowing.com/product/winter-solstice-sunrise-walk
Read More...RATC worktrip with the Konnorock Crew
Monday, June 19, 2023 Worktrip with RATC https://www.meetup.com/roanoke-appalachian-trail-club/events/294144239/
Read More...Trail Signage Team
Throughout the Spring semester we'll be making AT trail signs and installing them through our section of the trail. Partnering with the VT Prototyping Lab and having them generate the signs we layout with the CNC machine. No experience needed.
Read More...Upcoming SAWS work trip
December 10 Clear trail with Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards in the War Spot Wilderness area. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0ZJfbpSKdn4iwHgtkZiRU7pRN78Jvp5QGQVctM81xEZfbzibB6NBbqfR6KptAyeg7l&id=100064918140811&mibextid=Nif5oz
Read More...Older news items -->
Upcoming Trips
Day on the Parkway
Saturday, Feb 22, 2025Trip Type: Dayhike
Full Details
Boundary Work Hike - Sink Creek Mountain
Thursday, Feb 27, 2025Trip Type: Worktrip
Full Details
Join the GroupMe
Thursday, Mar 6, 2025Trip Type: Other
Full Details
Alternative Spring Break
Saturday, Mar 8, 2025Trip Type: Worktrip
Full Details