Outdoor Club at Virginia Tech


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Leonid meter shower overnight

Trip Leader - Christina McIntyre

Trip Date: Saturday, Nov 18, 2023
1:00:00 PM - 10:00:00 AM
Max Attendees: 3
Trip Type: Backpacking Pets:Pets OK
Attendee Restrictions:Open To EveryoneDistance/Difficulty:6 Miles - Moderate
Driving Required:Yes


With the peak of the Leonid meteor showers and a forecast for clear skies, I'm planning to hike up to Rice Fields and camp. 3 mile hike up. Camp in Rice Fields. Hike down Saturday morning. I'm limiting the size for to vehicle, but if more people sign up who are willing to carpool I will expand it to 10 (Leave No Trace recommends limiting backcountry group sizes to 10).



What You Should Bring

Bring sleeping bag for cold weather (20F rating). Pack a dinner and breakfast.

Pet Instructions/Info

If you've camped with your pet before and know they'll be OK feel free to bring your dog.

The signup period for this trip is over